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Key Verse
- be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry James 1:19 NIV 1984
1. How to listen and react to people
- Let everyone be quick to hear [be a careful, thoughtful listener], slow to speak [a speaker of carefully chosen words and], slow to anger [patient, reflective, forgiving] James 1:19 AMP
- However, when they persisted in questioning Him, He straightened up and said, “He who is without [any] sin among you, let him be the first to throw a stone at her.” John 8:7 AMP
- But Jesus did not reply to him, not even to a single accusation, so that the governor was greatly astonished. Matthew 27:14 AMP
- But Jesus kept silent. Matthew 26:63 AMP
2. Listen & Obey GOD and His Word
- While he was still speaking, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased and delighted! Listen to Him!” Matthew 17:5 AMP
- Then a cloud formed, overshadowing them, and a voice came out of the cloud, “This is My beloved Son. Listen to Him and obey Him!” Mark 9:7 AMP
- Then a voice came out of the cloud, saying, “This is My beloved Son, My Chosen One; listen and obey and yield to Him!” Luke 9:35 AMP
- For if anyone only listens to the word without obeying it, he is like a man who looks very carefully at his natural face in a mirror; for once he has looked at himself and gone away, he immediately forgets what he looked like. But he who looks carefully into the perfect law, the law of liberty, and faithfully abides by it, not having become a [careless] listener who forgets but an active doer [who obeys], he will be blessed and favored by God in what he does [in his life of obedience]. James 1:23-25 AMP
3. GOD Listens to Us
- And this is the confidence (the assurance, the privilege of boldness) which we have in Him: [we are sure] that if we ask anything (make any request) according to His will (in agreement with His own plan), He listens to and hears us. And if (since) we [positively] know that He listens to us in whatever we ask, we also know [with settled and absolute knowledge] that we have [granted us as our present possessions] the requests made of Him. 1 John 5:14-15 AMPC
- We know that God does not listen to sinners; but if anyone is God-fearing and a worshiper of Him and does His will, He listens to him. John 9:31 AMPC
- Then those who feared the LORD spoke to one another, And the LORD listened and heard them; So a book of remembrance was written before Him For those who fear the LORD And who meditate on His name. Malachi 3:16 NKJV
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